An Active and Social Senior Living Lifestyle
Find your people.
Whether you’re a wallflower or the life of the party, studies show social engagement is vital to a person’s well-being. That’s why Holiday’s senior living lifestyle is built around connection.
Meet the real friends of Holiday.
For Carol and Julia, it was friendship at first sight. For Glenn and Martha, their bond feels like family. These real neighbors at Holiday became true friends. Watch the video for more stories.

Come as you are.
You’ll get a warm sense of belonging your first day when friendly residents and staff go out of their way to welcome you. They’ll show you the ropes and save you a seat at mealtimes. Before long, you’ll feel like one of the gang.

Let’s be independent, together.
Holiday communities are designed with safety and accessibility in mind, helping residents move around easily, reduce their risk for injuries and enjoy living independently, longer.